Family Workshop at GroundWork Gallery

8th Sep­tem­ber: Her­itage Open Day in King’s Lynn
Cre­at­ing a new Heavy Water Muse­um: a Her­itage Day: Fam­i­ly Work­shop, 11am – 2pm

Help us to col­lect new spec­i­mens for our Heavy Water museum!

You can decide what the muse­um is and what it should con­tain. Draw, colour and col­lage dif­fer­ent spec­i­mens of fos­sils, min­er­als and plants and add it to the muse­um dis­play at Ground­Work Gallery. 

All mate­ri­als will be pro­vid­ed. No book­ing nec­es­sary for this work­shop. Just drop in and join in!