Meet Heavy Water Collective, Groundwork Gallery

Exhibition Tour and In-Conversation

Thanks again to Ground­Work Gallery as always for such a won­der­ful­ly warm wel­come back to Kings Lynn … Maud and I had an absolute blast last night at the clos­ing event — so won­der­ful to talk about the works in such depth with such a bril­liant audi­ence.” — Vic­to­ria Lucas

7th Sep­tem­ber
Meet Heavy Water Col­lec­tive for dis­cus­sion and exhi­bi­tion tour and clos­ing drinks

Free, dona­tions for refresh­ments welcome

No need to book – just drop by

or via mail@​groundworkgallery.​com

What is Heavy Water and why did the artists choose that name? Who are they? How did they come togeth­er? How does their Col­lec­tive work?

Find out all of this and more. Join the Heavy Water Col­lec­tive as they dis­cuss them­selves, their work and the research they con­duct­ed at the Sedg­wick Muse­um of Earth Sci­ences, Uni­ver­si­ty of Cam­bridge for devel­op­ing their work in the con­text of their exhi­bi­tion at Ground­work Gallery.