22 Results for ‘Ceramic

Volatile Compounds (The Ruins)
Volatile Compounds (In Constant Motion)
Kippfiguren (Talismen)
Immortelle Flare ( Spiked), used in funerary practices between between 24th January 1849 to 31st July 1915
Immortelle Flare (Mummy Cloth), used in funerary practices  between 24th January 1849 to  31st July 1915
Immortelle Flare (Whorl), used used in funerary practices between  24th January 1849 to  31st July 1915
Funerary Clay Capsule, Rose
Ceramic vessel depicting The Witness (Sentinel) (Kippfigur)
Void Shell
Mountain / Void Box at Freelands
Mountain / Void Box
Shear Rock Ceremonial Statuette
Sheal Shells
Solemn (Moon) Purse
Rock (Sorrowing)  Purse
Man of Do>.
Solemn Rock
Pastijware depicting Island (Arcadia)
Ornate Gilded Pastijware depicting Black Arch
Gnarlment Shuttle
Hollow Tower
Sorrowing Purse